Martial Arts Testing Day, a humbling experience

The morning of martial arts Testing Day and our home is buzzing with nervous energy. As all four of our family members practice Kuk Sool Won nobody is spared the anxiety of the testing process.

Thankfully now that the kids are older the day has a slightly later start as the first testing session begins at 2:00pm for my daughter. In previous years she needed to be at the dojang by 9am with the other color belts.

Our son is now old enough to join us at adult testing time but all of us have similar anxieties – how many boards will we break, can we break enough to pass the test? How tough will the body conditioning be? Will we get through our forms well enough?

My husband and I spend some time reviewing techniques and the kids help each other out with forms practice. We are all aware that Testing is a continuous process and that improvement only comes from persistent practice. However the need to reassure ourselves before Testing Day is still a driving factor.

When I put in my best effort I know the day is going to be exhausting but also that there are always lessons to learn. I’m under pressure and my skills are in the spotlight. Glancing around it’s easy to see the competence of others. I’m aware of my limitations and although I know it’s a personal journey I can’t help benchmarking myself against the performance of others. I realize though that it’s only constructive if it motivates me to work harder.

I’ve come to realize that the mental pressures of Testing Day are just as important as the physical demands. The learnings in class are reinforced while making me aware that there is still so much to learn. It’s humbling and not always a comfortable space but we grow from it.

Sometimes to move forward we need a reality check. A point to assess the status quo and set new training goals. We may not ever reach a state of perfection but in striving for it we can bring out our best selves.

Keep striving! You never know what you are capable of till you try!

About Vanessa Lee Thomas

floral photographer, wife, s-a-h Mom, genetic counselling supporter, martial arts fan, nature lover, writer, marketing enthusiast and freelance journalist

Posted on November 11, 2017, in Kuk Sool Won and tagged , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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